New Events – Experience more than 50 new events on your travels.

New Equipment – Dress in style with new equipment that befits your origin.New Banners – Hoist two new banners that thematically fit the new origins.Anatomists – Further your research even if they shun you for it, dissect the corpses of your fallen enemies, and devise new ways to empower your men.Oathtakers – Follow the teachings of Young Anselm, fight for righteousness, and swear oaths that confer advantages and disadvantages until fulfilled.Experience a total of more than 50 new events in the game! Features These origins come with unique mechanics, new equipment, new character backgrounds, their very own story events, and even a custom-tailored banner each. It expands the game with two new starting scenarios to pick for your mercenary company – the Oathtakers and the Anatomists – that shape your campaign from beginning to end. The free ‘Of Flesh and Faith’ DLC is a love letter to the fans of Battle Brothers after a journey of almost six years together.